A GUERRA DOS ROCHAS (Family Rocha's War)
Cast: Marcello Antony, Taís Araújo, Zéu Britto, Nicete Bruno, Cecília Dassi, Ludmila Dayer, Felipe Dylon, Ary Fontoura, Giulia Gam, Ailton Graça, Lúcio Mauro Filho, Ângelo Paes Leme, Antonio Pedro, Diogo Vilela

The friendly and clumsy old lady Dina Richards has three adult children - Marcos Vinicius, César and Marcelo living at war over who should stay with their mother. During one of many family battles, Ms. Dina vanishes and when children perceive their mother's absence, it seems that it is too late, as they receive the tragic news from the Morgue that an old woman (whose description is like their mom) was hit by a bus. As the brothers prepare for the funeral of their mother, little did they know that she was actually next door with her friend Nonô, where the two were abducted by two fumbles and fun apprentice thieves. Even if you don't like comedy, it's well worth it just to get a glimpse of the young heart-throb actor Felipe Dylon. Yummy! Full Summary
Country: Brazil
Year: 2008
Genre: Comedy
Genre: Comedy
Language: Portuguese
Location: Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Runtime: 77 min
Subtitles: English, Portuguese, Spanish
P1, P2, P3
P1, P2, P3