LESSONS AT THE END OF SPRING (Уроки в конце весны)
Uroki v kontse vesny
A Film by Oleg Kavun
Cast: Aleksandr Feklistov, Yuri Mazhuga, Yuriy Nazarov, Danya Tolkachev

Cast: Aleksandr Feklistov, Yuri Mazhuga, Yuriy Nazarov, Danya Tolkachev

A young boy's loss of innocence in a pre-perestroika Russian prison is the harrowing, Kafkaesque premise of LESSONS AT THE END OF SPRING. During the chaotic last months of the Khrushchev regime, a teenager's errand to the village market for bread ends in a nightmarish confrontation with local police. Full Summary
Country: Russia
Year: 1989
Genre: Drama
Language: Russian
Location: Russia
Runtime: 75 min
Subtitles: English (hardcoded***), Spanish, French
Megaupload Download (English hardcoded***)
Language: Russian
Location: Russia
Runtime: 75 min
Subtitles: English (hardcoded***), Spanish, French
Megaupload Download (English hardcoded***)