IMPOSTORS (Nash Bridges)
A Film by David Carson
Cast: Don Johnson, Cheech Marin, James Gammon, Jaime Gomez, Jeff Perry, Jodi Lynn O Keef, Ivelka Reyes, Lissa Negrin, Patrick Fischler, Kevin Fry, Stefanos Miltsakakis, Jon Huertas, Brian Strauss, Sammy Hagar, Kelly Hu as Michelle Chan

Country: USA
Cast: Don Johnson, Cheech Marin, James Gammon, Jaime Gomez, Jeff Perry, Jodi Lynn O Keef, Ivelka Reyes, Lissa Negrin, Patrick Fischler, Kevin Fry, Stefanos Miltsakakis, Jon Huertas, Brian Strauss, Sammy Hagar, Kelly Hu as Michelle Chan

Nash and Joe are the targets of a bail bondsman, who bails out small time thugs and uses them as assassins. Nash and Joe also open up a new detective agency; Bridges & Dominguez - - their first case is finding the stolen wig of a Cher impersonator. Harvey and Evan's friendship is tested when Evan sells Harvey a faulty washing machine. Full Summary
Country: USA
Year: 1998
Genre: Drama, Crime
Language: English
Location: San Francisco (USA)
Runtime: 60 min