LA FACE CACHEE DE LA LUNE (Far Side of the Moon)
A Film by Robert Lepage
Cast: Robert LePage, Anne-Marie Cadieux, Marco Poulin, Céline Bonnier, Fabrice Mongeau, Raphaël Dury, Étienne Bouchard-Dauphin, Gregory Hlady, Yves Amyot, Richard Fréchette, Érika Gagnon, Sergei Priselkov, Sophie Faucher, Lorraine Côté, Oleg Belkin

A Film by Robert Lepage
Cast: Robert LePage, Anne-Marie Cadieux, Marco Poulin, Céline Bonnier, Fabrice Mongeau, Raphaël Dury, Étienne Bouchard-Dauphin, Gregory Hlady, Yves Amyot, Richard Fréchette, Érika Gagnon, Sergei Priselkov, Sophie Faucher, Lorraine Côté, Oleg Belkin

After the death of his mother, a man tries to discover a meaning to his life, to the universe and to rebuild a relationship with the only family he has left: his brother. Full Summary