A Film by Jérôme Anger
Cast:Philippe Mangin, Philippe Duclos, Emmanuel Rivière, Thierry Neuvic, Eric Mercadier, Stéphane Freiss, Sarah Sara Martins, Paco François Civil, Anne Mercadier ,Claude Perron, Rognard Cyril Guei

Autopsy pushes all the clichés to the extreme limit, and is definitely an insult to any viewer who has some brains. All the gay characters in this nonsense obscene caricature are uniformly depicted as a totally amoral and degenerate population: the director wants to give the impression that any of them is capable of the worse at any given time, postulating so the equation gay=potential murderer.There isn't the tiniest trace of any attempt to give this issue a balanced treatment. Of course, given this situation, it is definitely not difficult to guess how it ends, although I will not say it here. Full Summary
A Film by Jérôme Anger
Cast:Philippe Mangin, Philippe Duclos, Emmanuel Rivière, Thierry Neuvic, Eric Mercadier, Stéphane Freiss, Sarah Sara Martins, Paco François Civil, Anne Mercadier ,Claude Perron, Rognard Cyril Guei
Autopsy pushes all the clichés to the extreme limit, and is definitely an insult to any viewer who has some brains. All the gay characters in this nonsense obscene caricature are uniformly depicted as a totally amoral and degenerate population: the director wants to give the impression that any of them is capable of the worse at any given time, postulating so the equation gay=potential murderer.There isn't the tiniest trace of any attempt to give this issue a balanced treatment. Of course, given this situation, it is definitely not difficult to guess how it ends, although I will not say it here. Full Summary
Country: France
Year: 2007
Year: 2007