MENTIRAS Y GORDAS (Sex, Party and Lies)A Film by Alfonso Albacete
Cast: Hugo Silva, Asier Etxeandía, Ana María Polvorosa, Mario Casas, Alejo Sauras, Ana de Armas, Yon González, Maxi Iglesias

Located somewhere in the east coast of Spain, the movie tells the typical story of a group of youngsters and their experiences with drugs, sex and rock&roll. Although mainly focused on the life of two close friends, the film ambitiously tries to extend the script to a variety of secondary characters and their daily life full of drugs, clubbing and above all sex, lots of sex. Full Summary

Located somewhere in the east coast of Spain, the movie tells the typical story of a group of youngsters and their experiences with drugs, sex and rock&roll. Although mainly focused on the life of two close friends, the film ambitiously tries to extend the script to a variety of secondary characters and their daily life full of drugs, clubbing and above all sex, lots of sex. Full Summary
Country: Spain
Year: 2009
Genre: Drama, Comedy
Language: Spanish
Location: Spain
Runtime: 107 min