A Film by Jacob Chase

Cast: Lewis Ryan, Emily Peck, Todd Kubrak, Daniel Carlisle, Liz Osborn, Lisa Bierman, Natasha David, DyAnne DiSalvo

Playful Bridget drinks beer and chases girls with her roommate Trip at The Four-Faced Liar, their Greenwich Village hangout. When they meet small-town high school sweethearts Molly and Greg there, Bridget sets her sights on the unavailable Molly. Relationship rifts soon surface when Trip cheats on his girlfriend and Molly crashes with Bridget after a fight with Greg. Soon enough, Molly’s former dreams of a domestic future with Greg are challenged by the excitement of her passionate relationship with Bridget. Featuring a hip soundtrack and dramatic twists. Full Summary

Country: USA
Year: 2010
Genre: Drama, Comedy
Language: English
Location: NYC (USA)
Runtime: 88 min
Subtitles: Spanish (hardcoded***), English, Portuguese, Spanish, Czech, Dutch, Greek, Slovenian

P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 (Spanish hardcoded***)