MINE VAGANTI (Loose Cannons)
A Film by Ferzan Ozpetek
A Film by Ferzan Ozpetek
Cast: Riccardo Scamarcio, Nicole Grimaudo, Alessandro Preziosi, Ennio Fantastichini

An Italian family drama is as warm and familiar as taking a walk in the sun. It’s something that everyone can appreciate in some capacity and (for the most part) can come home having somewhat benefited from it. Ferzan Ozpetek’s latest offering is no exception, exploring themes of homosexuality and social norms as he’s known to do (2003’s Facing Windows an example). With a fluid and comedic style comes a film that understands its place in Italian society and doesn’t expect any less than complete competency from its audience. Full Summary
Country: Italia
Year: 2010
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Romance
Language: Italian
Location: Apulia (Italy)
Runtime: 117 min
Runtime: 117 min
Subtitles: English, Spanish, Buldarian, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, Estonian, Italian, Polish, Turkish
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* Links cortesy of Naan . Thanks Naan !
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* Links cortesy of Naan . Thanks Naan !